Who doesn’t want clear, glowing skin that is naturally moisturized and feels so clean it tingles?
The body scrub is both a health and beauty practice that’s been around since ancient times – Cleopatra and other Egyptians, as well as the Ancient Greek, are well documented for their consistent practice of using body scrubs. Human written records were not prevalent much earlier before their time, so it’s hard to know how far back our ancestors treasured the wonderful benefits of this simple practice.
There are many versions of the body scrub: some people use coffee grinds, others use ground up pits or seeds, all mixed with a moisturizing oil to protect skin and seal in moisture; another method is the dry scrub, using a rough brush or cloth to buff your dry skin, followed by applying moisturizer; a third way is using plain, hot water and a washcloth, and is the therapeutic version of the body scrub I’m going to talk about more here.
This water-based body scrub requires a washcloth (preferably organic cotton) and a sink full of water as hot as you can take it. In general, you start at the top of your body and work down, remembering to scrub every tiny nook and cranny along the way, always brushing towards the heart – I’ll go into more detail later on.
Scrubbing our skin in this traditional way helps to detoxify and cleanse our skin right down to the deepest pores and layers in a way that normal bathing just can’t do. It promotes clear skin by discharging both toxins as well as fat that has accumulated beneath the surface of the skin. It opens pores and allows skin to ‘breathe’ fully.
Christina Pirello, an award-winning chef and best-selling author, wrote it well in her article on Natural, Radiant Beauty when she said:
“The word ‘cosmetics’ has its roots in the Greek word, ‘cosmos’, a word used to describe the order of nature. By classic definition, to be beautiful was to be in harmony with nature. Beauty, therefore, is a reflection of natural harmony.”
The body scrub helps to purify our bodies of unnatural toxins, while also helping to align us energetically with nature.
It improves circulation, helps energy flow more smoothly along the meridians, regulates lymphatic flow, and gives a good massage to the muscular system as well as deep internal organs that normally do not receive such thorough attention! It has a powerful relaxing effect on the body that is so beneficial for our minds, bodies, and spirits, and can help relieve adrenal fatigue and regulate endocrine activity.
The body scrub should be done once or – ideally – twice a day, and is done in addition to your daily bath or shower.
Begin at the top of your body and work downwards, always buffing in circles and towards your heart. I like to start with my head, face, and neck, and work down from there.
Folding your washcloth into quarters, dip it into the hot water and wring out any excess. Start scrubbing the skin until it is warm and pink and keep working until the washcloth cools down. Dip your washcloth into the hot water again, wring it out, and continue.
Scrub really well. Scrub till it feels good, till your skin tingles, turns pink, and feels fresher. You should glow a healthy pink everywhere.
Remember to get your neck and behind your ears. Your chest, back, and the nooks and crannies of your torso. Give a little extra focus to your armpits, elbows, wrists, and fingers. Scrub each finger, and between them, and then the whole palm. Also give a little extra focus to the knees, ankles, toes, and sole of your foot.
You will probably be very surprised at the colour of the water in the sink or basin once you are finished – expect a good brown at the very least, possibly even grey or black, depending on your health and your day! It won’t even matter if you’ve just had a good shower, the colour of your water will probably still shock you. Test it out for yourself!
Afterwards, the skin all over your whole body will be warm and pink, and will probably tingle pleasantly. Within a month you should see a distinct improvement in skin tone, clarity, and smoothness. Within two months, you will be amazed by how your skin naturally retains moisture, and how cracked feet and dry hands have become issues of the past.
Do you have a daily body scrub routine?
With love & light,